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ORPHEUS wants to stimulate PhD researchers – our most important stakeholder – to attend our annual meetings. Therefore, we award 4 scholarships (max €1000/award), selected from poster abstracts, which can be used towards registration, travel and hotel costs. The should send an abstract of max 300 words about any topic relevant for doctoral candidates (instruction for submission can be found at: https://orpheus2024.ge/abstract-submission/). Winners will be given the opportunity present their poster abstract during one of the short oral communication sessions. Of course we encourage you as well to submit abstracts. We welcome all abstracts related to innovative strategies and concepts for PhD education in biomedicine and health sciences, including – but not restricted to – interdisciplinary/cross-sectoral research, novel assessment approaches, impact of AI on Doctoral training & research, citizen science…
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Номинација на претставници за учество на програмата “SDGs Global LeaderJ FY2024 во рамките на “JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program for Long Term Participants (JICA Development Studies Program)”, кој се спроведува од Јапонската агенција за меѓународна соработка JICA.
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Information about the launch of “Eugen Ionescu” Doctoral and Postdoctoral Research Fellowships 2022-2023, funded by the Government of Romania, through the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and coordinated by the Agence Universitare de la Francophonie (AUF).
The “Eugen Ionescu” Program allows doctoral students and teacher-researchers from all over the world to benefit from three-month research mobility in one of the partner higher education institutions, within the program, in Romania.
“Eugen Ionescu” mobility takes French-speaking teachers and/or researchers outside their country, allowing them to improve their skills in the member universities of the Agence Universitare de la Francophonie in Romania. These mobilities are part of disciplinary fields deemed to be priorities for the development of the country of origin and consistent with the research interests of the host institutions.
The deadline for submitting applications to the AUF is 20 November 2022, 11:00 p.m. (Bucharest time, GMT+2), and the mobility period will be from 1 May to 31 July 2023.
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The Embassy of Switzerland in Skopje has the honour to inform that the Swiss Government, through the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students, is offering 20-30 excellence scholarships for students from Central and Eastern European countries and Caucasus countries for the academic year 2023/2024. These scholarships provide highly qualified young graduates from all fields with the opportunity to pursue doctoral or postdoctoral research in Switzerland at one of the public funded universities or recognised institutions (Swiss cantonal universities, universities of applied sciences and the two federal institutes of technology, as well as the four research institutes).
Three types of scholarships are available: - research scholarships; - PhD scholarships; - post-doctoral scholarships.
Information on the three scholarship types valid for Macedonia can be found through the Embassy’s website: www.eda.admin.ch/north-macedonia
Application forms as well as other necessary documents can be obtained from the Embassy (Tel.: 02 3103300; e-mail: skopje@eda.admin.ch). The deadline for submitting a fully completed application on paper in duplicate at the Embassy of Switzerland in Skopje is 15 November 2022.
Колеџот за компјутери на Технолошкиот институт во Њу Џерси (NJIT) има отворени места за студенти на докторски, постдокторски студии, за практиканти и програмери во 5D VREALITY Лабораторија за следната генерација во комуникациите. Заинтересираните кандидати можат да ги добијат потребните информации на следниот линк.
Амбасадата на Романија во Република Северна Македонија има задоволство да го објави започнувањето на програмата за стипендии Еуген Јонеску за докторски и постдокторски студии (изданието за 2022 година), доделена од Министерството за надворешни работи на Романија во соработка со Франкофонската универзитетска агенција. (AUF). Информации на следниот линк.