First cycle study

for enrollment of students in the first cycle of studies in the study programs of the University "St. Cyril and Methodius ”in Skopje in the academic year 2024/2025


Deadlines for application, verification of knowledge and skills and enrollment:

First deadlineSecond deadlineThird deadline
Application of candidates29.8 and 30.8.202417 and 18.9.202427.9.2024
Publishing the results of the success from the secondary education (preliminary ranking list)3.9.202420.9.2024
Publication of a Decision on Candidate Admission
(final ranking list)
Enrollment of candidates11. and 12.9.202426.9.202430.9.2024

Deadlines for candidates ranked according to both their secondary education achievement and knowledge and skills testing:

First deadlineSecond deadlineThird deadline
Application of candidates29 and 30.8.202417. and 18.9.202427.9.2024
Knowledge and skills testing
Publication of a preliminary ranking list including the knowledge and skills testing results and secondary education achievement6.9.202423.9.2024
Publication of a Decision on Candidate Admission (final ranking list)10.9.202425.9.2024
Enrollment of candidates11. and 12.9.202426.9.202430.9.2024


Following the first enrollment period, regarding any unfilled places at faculties, i.e., in study programs, the University shall publish on its website the number of free places for enrollment in the second enrollment period for the 2024/2025 academic year.

Following the second enrollment period, regarding any unfilled places at faculties, i.e., in study programs, the number of free places for enrollment in the third enrollment period for the 2024/2025 academic year shall be published on the websites of University Units.

Application documents:

Before applying within the periods established by this Competition, any interested candidate shall register at www.upisi.ukim.mk and fill out the electronic application from the iKnow system.

The number automatically received by the candidate from the electronic application system shall also be entered in the application submitted when applying for enrollment.

Applications shall be filed with the Student Inquiry Service at the faculty selected.

When applying for enrollment at faculties, candidates shall submit the following documents:
  1. Enrollment Application Form;
  2. Electronic Application (generated by the iKnow system);
  3. Original certificates of all years of completed secondary education;
  4. Document on state matriculation exam passed (original certificate of completed secondary education);
  5. Birth Certificate (in the original);
  6. Proof of the RNM citizenship (either a Citizenship Certificate or a Decision) (in the original);
  7. Payment slips for:
    • Administrative fee in the amount of 50.00 denars (PP 50 Form: Name of the recipient: Treasury account-Skopje; Recipient’s bank: NBRNM; Transaction account: 100-0000000-630-95; Payment account 840-XXX-03161; Account 722313 00);
    • 300 denars to the faculty’s giro account, regarding study programs for which knowledge and skills are not checked;
    • 500 denars to the faculty’s giro account, regarding study programs for which knowledge and skills are checked in one subject;
    • 1000 denars to the faculty’s giro account, regarding study programs for which knowledge and skills are checked in several subjects at the Faculty of Music Arts and the Faculty of Fine Arts, or 1500 denars at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts.

    Candidates applying for enrollment as part-time students shall, in addition to the above, attach the documents listed in Chapter VI, item 3.

    At enrollment, accepted candidates shall submit as follows:

    1. Student’s index (booklet), student ID and application forms;
    2. Three photos (two photos with dimensions of 3.5x4.5 cm and one with dimensions of 2x3 cm);
    3. Payment slip of 750 denars paid for informative, cultural, sports, student services and other activities at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, including the wording “IKSA of UKIM”, _______ (please specify the faculty providing the study program), to the giro account: 100000000063095 depositor: NBRNM, with a budget user account: 1600103689 788 18; income code: 723012; program: 41.

    The fee as in the previous paragraph hereof shall be provided by all admitted candidates, in all categories of students (including students exempt from co-payment and co-financing on various grounds). Students shall pay this fee every academic year, when enrolling in the winter semester.